Wednesday, March 24, 2010

RIRA Town Hall Meeting Tonight, RIOC Board Meeting Tomorrow - Ask Questions About RIOC Budget, Public Purpose Funds & More

RIRA President Farance Speaking With RIOC Directors Shinozaki & Kalkin At Prior Town Hall Meeting

Do you have any questions about what is happening on Roosevelt Island? Concerned about affordable housing, ground lease extensions for Rivercross, Island House, Westview and other buildings including Riverwalk Condominiums? Interested in transportation, parks, retail, RIOC's budget, allocation of Public Purpose Funds or anything else about life here on Roosevelt Island? If so, you have the opportunity to speak with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Directors/Staff and Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Members at RIRA's Town Hall Meeting that will take place tonight at the Good Shepherd Community Center, 8 PM, 543 Main Street

The RIRA Town Hall meeting allow residents to learn about what is on the RIOC Board's Agenda for the following day and also helps the RIOC Directors obtain information about what residents think of those Agenda items. The March 25 RIOC Board Meeting Agenda items include important issues such as the 2010-11 RIOC Budget, allocation of Public Purpose Funds to Roosevelt Island community groups and the procedure for appointing RIOC's President/CEO.