Monday, March 8, 2010

Roosevelt Island Red Bus Grafitti - Report It And RIOC Will Clean It Up

Image of Roosevelt Island Red Bus At Riverwalk Stop

Have you noticed a grafitti problem on the Roosevelt Island Red Bus? A reader of this post has:
On a red bus related note. Does anyone know if public safety is doing anything to catch who is writing graffiti on the buses? Even one of the new buses has now been tagged. All with the same two or three tags meaning it is most likely a Roosevelt Island resident. It looks horrible and given RIOC's operating budget it will no doubt mar the bus for the next decade.
I inquired of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra on this subject and he replied quickly:
I contacted Chris Baker from Bus Operations and he stated that, at times, the kids sitting in the back of the buses vandalize the seats or back panels with graffiti. (When seen, the graffiti is removed from the seating areas in the back of the buses.) He will have the buses checked for graffiti today, and have it removed if present.