Monday, September 20, 2010

Reader Asks If Anybody Noticed Increased Fire Department Activity On Roosevelt Island Last Night And Know Reason Why?

A reader sent in this question today:

Last night there seemed to be a lot of firetrucks coming onto the island - more than usual. Any idea why?
I replied:
No idea. There was nothing in the daily public safety report to indicate Fire Department activity either. (FYI -The daily Pubic Safety Report is listed on blog's left sidebar)

Might have something to do with the RI Bridge opening and closing for UN Week due to security precautions but I don't know for sure.

Where and what time did this happen?
The reader answered:
I think btw 9 - 10pm. They were driving south passed (the original) Main Street. Don't believe they stop here. Must have been about 15 trucks that came. At least that's how it felt.
Any answers?