Report From RIOC President Leslie Torres To Roosevelt Island Residents - Tram Test Runs To Begin, New AVAC Compactors, OHNY Visits & More Project Updates
RIOC President Lesie Torres sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents.
Date: October 6th, 2010A version of the RIOC President's column will also appears on RIOC's web site and the October 9 Main Street WIRE.
Despite the continuing inclement weather the first Tram cabin was attached to its carriage and hoisted on to the north side track ropes this past Tuesday. This is an important milestone in the steps to commissioning operation by the New York State Department of Labor, expected now in November. You may see the cabin being moved back and forth as painstaking testing of all the Tram’s component operating parts on the north track can now begin. The south track cabin is expected to be attached and hoisted in about two weeks and then testing on that side can begin. RIOC appreciates the community’s patience as the overhaul of this “state of the art” Tram system is nearing completion. Once finished, this kind of necessary disruption to our Aerial Tramway system should not happen again for another thirty years. The skies lifted and the sun shone just long enough for our Annual Fall for Arts weekend celebration last week. Much thanks to Erica Wilder and her events team and to RIOC’s maintenance and field crews for their hard work in producing this and the so many other great annual community events on Roosevelt Island. Can’t wait for the Halloween parade on Saturday, October 30th. Get your costumes ready!
Projects Underway - In addition to the milestone reached in the Tram modernization project :
FDR Memorial - Phase I construction is on schedule, and construction of phase II is starting ahead of expectations. Thank you to our City and State legislators and to the Mayor and the Governor for increased funding for this exciting and long awaited project.
Southpoint Open Space (Green Rooms Wild Gardens) - The comfort station has been installed. Paving of the east drive near Strecker Lab has begun. Fall planting is underway and opening date is scheduled for spring 2011. We are working closely with the FDR Memorial developers to create a smooth transition between the two areas.
AVAC - Installation of the first of two new compacters has been completed. Delivery of the second compactor is expected shortly. The NYC Department of Sanitation is sprucing up the interior of the AVAC building in time for Open House New York (OHNY). RIOC's AVAC facility (along with other Island venues) has been chosen as a venue for New Yorkers to visit as part of the OHNY October 8 & 9, city-wide program. See below - Upcoming Events - for additional information.
Motorgate Roof Waterproofing & Stairwells - The stairwell work has been completed. Waterproofing of the rooftop and the exterior of the stairwell bulkheads is 60% finished with estimated completion at the end of November.
Good Shepherd HVAC – Demolition has been completed and the installation of new equipment has begun. The project to completely replace Good Shepherd’s HVAC system is on track and expected to be completed by end of November. RIOC regrets the continuing inconvenience to residents using this Community facility and looks forward to a long and healthy useful life for our new HVAC system, once installation is finished.
Green Cleaning Program – RIOC maintenance and field crews have completed courses in “green cleaning” best practices. More to come as RIOC continues efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.
Projects in the Pipeline:
Good Shepherd Plaza – Plaza restoration work is expected this spring. The trench in front of Good Shepherd was opened to accommodate the utility lines for the HVAC restoration project.
Octagon Field Border Landscaping – Bid proposals to replace the trees along the west side of the field have been received and are being evaluated. Arborists urge that planting not begin until spring to enhance the viability of newly planted trees.
Good Shepherd Roof Replacement - Responses to a Request for Proposals from qualified architects to provide plans and specifications for the roofing replacement were received and are being evaluated. The replacement work will be scheduled to start in spring 2011.
Blackwell House Interior Renovation and Disabled Accessible Ramp - Proposals are being reviewed and we are pursuing some value engineering opportunities to keep costs down. Because some funding is being provided by New York City, a VENDEX check (City system to verify contractors' bona fides) is required. Once the lengthy City approval process is completed, the project is expected to require six (6) months to complete.
Events and Recreation:
Sportspark Activities - Sportspark Activities have been expanded again. As of October 2nd, Wheelchair Basketball was introduced from 10am to 1pm every Saturday at Sportspark. Please see the RIOC website for last minute changes to expanded pool, ping-pong and basketball hours.
Run For Congo - The annual 5K run on Roosevelt Island was held on September 25 at 9am. More than 300 participants came out to support the cause.
Fall for Arts Festival – Hundreds of children and adults gathered at Blackwell Park and the lawn south of Rivercross to take part in the many arts and crafts workshops. Festivities included an outdoor performance of Oedipus Rex, live music, food and puppet shows. If you missed the festival you can catch some of the great works of art created as murals by the Child School, the Beacon Program RIVAA and others located on the lawns near Blackwell House. To view pictures of the event, please visit
Upcoming Events:
Open House New York- On October 8th& 9th, Roosevelt Island will be a host site for the annual city-wide Open House New York celebration, where our fair City shows off its best features. From 9-4 New Yorkers can have escorted tours of AVAC, the Octagon lobby, Sportspark and the Roosevelt Island Historical Society information kiosk.
From the RIOC Archives – An exhibit curated by the Roosevelt Island Historical Society of selected RIOC archival materials is on display in Sportspark’s central corridor. Please visit and take a brief tour through Roosevelt Island’s history. A panel discussion co-sponsored with the Roosevelt Island Historical Society will be held at Sportspark this fall, exploring some of the materials from the RIOC Archives. Date to be announced.
Halloween Safety Day – The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department is co- sponsoring a Halloween Safety Day with Safe Kids NYC on Wednesday October 27th from 5:30 -6:30 at the Public Library on Main St. Safety tips, reading to the children and treats will be available.
Roosevelt Island's Annual Halloween Parade - On Saturday, October 30th, in partnership with Urban America, managers of Roosevelt Landings, the parade of ghosts and goblins begins at Blackwell House at 12 P.M. and continues on to Capobianco Field. Everyone is encouraged to come dressed in a Halloween costume. More fun and festivities are planned for immediately after the parade at Capobianco Field. In the event of rain, festivities will be held inside PS 217.