Bye Bye Yellow Gunk - No Longer Oozing Out Of Pipe On Wall of Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station
Last Tuesday I reported on this yellow gunk oozing from a pipe on the wall of the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station. A reader explained that:
This is expanding foam sealant. It is used to fill cracks and gaps like the one in the wall around that pipe.Another reader thought it was not worthy to be reported on:
Really? This is what we're focusing on? Some expanding foam insulation that hasn't been trimmed? Is there really nothing more important going on that should be reported on? I have to agree with 9:46 - this really is just being nitpicky for nitpicky's sake, and characterizing it as "yellow gunk oozing" is obviously incorrect - and if someone told you that it's been there several months, did you think to ask what it might be before reporting incorrectly?This reader thought it was important to get rid of the oozing yellow gunk:
I must agree with the Post as well. It doesn't matter if it is only insulation foam, it does look bad and reflects on the image of the Island itself. It is an easy fix, let's fix it already. It is the "Broken Window" theory. (look it up) pretty soon, people will start tagging or throwing trash around the area, because they will think nobody cares what the area looks like. It starts out that simple. Trim the foam!! :)and this reader thought the yellow gunk would never go away:
They will NEVER fix it. The only way to fix it is to build another tube next to it and start from scratch on bedrock. Theres only so many patches they can put on the walls.Well, it was fixed. On Sunday afternoon the oozing yellow gunk was gone from the pipe on the wall of the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station.