Monday, April 4, 2011

4 Hours To Get From Manhattan To Roosevelt Island During Weekend F Train Service Disruptions - Still No Announcement By RIOC On Extended Red Bus and Tram Service During F Train Subway Disruptions

Click To Enlarge Image From RIOC

As reported last Friday, there was no F Train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island this past weekend nor will there be any for next weekend and that of April 23 - 25 which is Easter Sunday and the last couple of days of Passover.

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced last Friday that during the disruption of F train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island,: 
 Please note, RIOC will be extending Red Bus and Tram service during the disruption.
GJV commented on the post:
Did RIOC ever announce the extended red bus and tram service for the past weekend? I happened to take the tram back to RI on Sunday evening around 7:22PM, and was pleasantly surprised to find that RIOC was running both cabins. However, no signs or web updates on the extended service were posted anywhere as far as I can tell.
The answer in no. As of the time of this posting no information has been received from RIOC or posted on their web site regarding how the announced extended Red Bus and Tram service for the previous or future weekends will be implemented when there is no subway service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island.

How was it getting back to Roosevelt Island this past weekend without F train service from Manhattan? One concerned RI resident reports:
... for most of Saturday there was only one Tram up and running ... RIOC should have known to have BOTH trams running all weekend with the F train out. There were at least over 100 hundred people several time of the day trying to get over to RI before 3:00, they finally started up the North Tram. I wish all of RIOC lived here on the island, they would be more intune with what we need and when....
Another tweeted:
Was not able to get back to Roosevelt Island till 6:30 A.M... 4 HOURS AFTER I TRIED LEAVING MANHATTAN!!! >:-(
I took the Tram over to Manhattan on Sunday afternoon around 1:30 PM. At that time, the North cabin which I was on had just gone into service. As the North Cabin was passing the South Cabin on my trip I noticed that the South Cabin was very crowded as was the Manhattan Tram Station platform when we docked.

If RIOC intends to provide extended Red Bus and Tram service during the upcoming F Train subway disruptions, they should tell us what the plan is.

Hey, if the Roosevelt Island Sling Shot is not available, anyone for a Zip Line over the East River?

You Tube Video of Zip Line Over the Mendoza River