Art From The Heart Opening Reception Tonight 6-9 PM at Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA - A Collection of Art From Coler Goldwater Hospital Patients and Residents
Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA will be hosting an opening reception later today, May 28 from 6PM - 9PM for their new exhibition, Art From The Heart IV. From Gallery RIVAA:
May 28th – June 19th, 2011Come meet your Roosevelt Island neighbors and enjoy the art.
Opening Reception, Saturday May 28th, 6-9PM
A collection of visual art by ColerGoldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility Patients and Residents
Hosted by the Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association.
This exhibit is funded through the Angelica Patient Assistance Program and The Goldwater Auxiliary.
Click here for more information on the Angelica Patient Assistance Program at Coler Goldwater Hospital:
Our mission is to enhance the lives of economically disadvantaged patients in need of long-term medical care and to support long-term medical care facilities. We are presently focused on improving the lives of residents at Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility (CGSHNF) on Roosevelt Island in New York City.UPDATE 5/30 - Roosevelt Island Historical Society President Judy Berdy shares some scenes of the Art From the Heart Opening reception at Gallery RIVAA.
More pictures from Ms. Berdy of the Art From the Heart opening reception.