Friday, June 17, 2011

Report From RIOC President Leslie Torres - Roosevelt Island Summer Time Activities, Park, Concerts, Camp, Swimming, Networking, Art, Gang Summit & More - Also Kenny's Retiring

You Tube Video of Mungo Jerry's In The Summertime

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Lesie Torres sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents.
Summers on Roosevelt Island are beautiful. The Island is one of, if not the, greenest communities in the city. RIOC will be working hard to keep it that way, taking care of our vast green spaces and parks. I’d like to welcome all the seasonal workers who will be helping us over the next few months.

Speaking of hard work, I’d like to thank Basdeo "Kenny" Mangal for his 33 years of service to RIOC. Kenny, a maintenance supervisor, is retiring this week. A few weeks ago RIOC also held its Employee Appreciation Day celebration to recognize the employees who have been with us for five years and more. There are too many dedicated employees to name here, but I want to congratulate them all again.

There is so much to do on the Island during the summer months. I decided to turn to the experts – our community leaders, community based organizations, and residents – to get and share their input on what you can do on the island over the next few months.


World-class musicians from Europe and the U.S. play quartets and sextets of Haydn, Martinu, Mozart, Brahms and Schubert, in a pair of special summer concerts featuring violins, viola, cellos, clarinet and piano. Hosted by the R&R Concert Series on Saturday June 25 and Friday July 1, 8pm, at Good Shepherd Center, 543 Main Street. Admission is free.

Hear the wonderful sounds of the uilleann pipes, the national bagpipe of Ireland, at the Sounds of Ireland concert on Saturday June 18 at 2:00pm. Roosevelt Island Branch Library, 524 Main Street.

Listen to a tribute to the great innovators of “Modern Jazz,” including Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Thelonius Monk, Ornette Coleman, and John Coltrane, at a concert by the Ken Simon Jazz Quartet. Tuesday June 21, 4:00pm, at the Roosevelt Island Branch Library.

Kids Camp & Activities

Island Kids summer camp for kids ages 4-10 runs from July 11th through August 26th. For more information call 646-752-3839 or email

Roosevelt Island Youth Program Summer Camp runs from July 5th to August 19th from 8am to 6pm. Call (212) 527-2505 or 212-935-3645 for more information.

The Child School summer camp for kids ages 5-19 runs from July 5 to August 11 from 1:00pm to 3:30pm, daily. For more information call 212-223-5482 and speak to camp directors Victor, Darryl or Joe.

An evening basketball league at Blackwell Park for youth ages 11 to 19 will run games from 6pm to 10pm. Days to be announced. Call 212-935-3645 for more information.

Create Hip Hop Jewelry on Tuesday July 12 at 4:00pm. All material will be provided. For kids ages 12 to 18. Roosevelt Island Branch Library, 524 Main Street.

The Roosevelt Island Marlins Swimming Team offers a swimming summer program that run through July and August. Official registration dates: June 11, 18 & 25th, 9:00-11:00am at SportsPark and 12:00- 1:00pm at Westview. The program starts Friday, July 1st, both pools. Call 646-415-8583 for more information.


RIRA is hosting their first networking breakfast for residents of the Octagon and the Southtown buildings on Saturday, June 25th. The breakfast is an opportunity to welcome newcomers, to inform them of Island amenities, cultural organizations, and the nature of RIRA. Northtown buildings will be addressed in the fall. Visit for more information.


Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St., has a new exhibition, Art from the Heart IV; A collection of visual art by patients and residents of Coler Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility. Gallery hours: Wed. & Fri 6pm-9pm, Sat. & Sun 11am- 5pm.

The Octagon Gallery, 888 Main St., will be exhibiting “Part of the same rainbow: US + Water”, an exhibition of art by young folk dancers in Bulgaria, working children in Bangladesh, and students from R.I. Child School/Legacy HS. June 15 through July 4.

Hang Out, Check Out

Thanks to the Roosevelt Islander for posting on the blog a request for residents to recommend things to do this summer. Here is what they suggested:
  • View the Manhattan skyline at night
  • Spend time in the open spaces.
  • Hang out at the concrete wall facing the Western channel overlooking the FDR: it’s a great place to sit, read, sunbathe, meditate, walk or just be. 
  • Visit the Historic Lighthouse and Lighthouse Park.
  • Hang out on Meditation steps.
  • Visit the Renwick Ruins.
Fun for the Family For purposes of full disclosure, this recommendation is mine. As a mom of two boys, I know how fun it can be to grab a blanket, a light dinner, and hang out outdoors on a beautiful night to watch a great movie. I hope you can join us. All the movies will be shown at Firefighters Field starting at dusk. Iron Man 2 6/25/11 (Rain Date: 7/3/11) The Goonies 7/9/11 (Rain Date: 7/17/11) Star Trek 7/23/11 - (Rain Date: 7/31/11) Up 8/6/11 (Rain Date: 8/14/11) Tron 8/20/11 (Rain Date: 8/28/11) The Incredibles 9/3/11 (Rain Date: 9/4/11) Gang Summit

Last, but not least, I want to bring to your attention an important upcoming event: the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department will be hosting its second Gang Summit at the Good Shepherd Community Center on Thursday, June 23rd from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The event will include a presentation from renowned gang expert Ron "Cook" Barrett.
A version of the RIOC President's column also appears on RIOC's web site and the June 18, 2011 Main Street WIRE. 

It will soon be summer in the city on Roosevelt Island.

You Tube Video of Lovin' Spoonful Summer In The City