Roosevelt Island Capabianco Park Retaining Wall Reconstruction Should Be Fixed Within Next 2 Weeks, With Seating Space Too - Future Plans For Improved Capabianco Ballfield
On October 27 a Roosevelt Island resident sent this question to Roosevelt Island 311 See Click Fix:
Why is it taking months to replace retaining wall? Never more than 2 or 3 workers. This is a disgrace.The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) replied to RI311 question the next day:
Issue Closed The contractor has been notified regarding the pace of work, and will take steps to speed up construction.Commenting on RIOC President Leslie Torres report of the Blackwell Plaza restoration delay, a Roosevelt Island resident asks:
Thank you
Any idea when the construction will be done at Capabianco Field and if they're planning on replacing the seats that was once there or removing them all together (as they love to do around here!) ? I really hope they plan on replacing them. Many need the rest stop and it's a wonderful spot to socialize with our neighbors.
Ms. Torres provides the following update on Capabianco Retaining Wall:
We anticipate that the contractor will complete the work within the next two weeks. Aside from reconstructing the wall, the contractor will also lay a limestone ledge on top of the brick and create sitting space along the structure.While walking by Capabianco Field last Sunday afternoon I noticed that even this squirrel was willing to pitch in trying to speed up the retaining wall construction by working the construction digging equipment.
A second contractor will make repairs to the z-brick sidewalk. Repairs to the wall are being conducted now in order to accommodate future plans to construct professional size and quality ballpark at Capobianco field.