Roosevelt Island Criminal Justice Presentation By Manhattan District Attorney's Office and RIOC Public Safety Department - Here's What Happened
On November 9, representatives from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office (DA) and the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department conducted a joint presentation on the:
Criminal Justice System & Arrest To Sentencing ProcessThe video at top of the post shows my question specifically regarding crime on Roosevelt Island and response from the DA's representatives. According to the DA's Community Coordinator, Roosevelt Island is pretty much like the rest of New York - there are some violations, low level drug cases, marijuana cases and some serious drug arrests in the past.
Here's the entire presentation beginning with introduction by RIOC's Community Relations Specialist Erica Spencer-El and Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra,
You Tube Video of DA/RIOC Public Safety Department Criminal Justice Presentation (Part 1)
followed by Manhattan Assistant District Attorney describing the criminal arrest and processing system,
You Tube Video of DA/RIOC Public Safety Department Criminal Justice Presentation (Part 2)
then a presentation about the Family Court System for juveniles
You Tube Video of DA/RIOC Public Safety Department Criminal Justice Presentation (Part 3)
and finally a discussion on preventing juveniles from entering the criminal justice system in the first place but if they do what reentry programs are available.
You Tube Video of DA/RIOC Public Safety Department Criminal Justice Presentation (Part 3)
Here's a link to Roosevelt Island Public Safety Monthly Blotters and Statistics thru September 2011.