Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Roosevelt Island Sportspark Facilities Open During School Holiday Vacation Except For December 24 -25 and January 1

A reader of this post asks:
About the Basketball facilities, schools will be on holiday vacation for the next couple of weeks (12/17/11-1/2/12), any plans to maintain the Sportspark basketball court open during the holiday vacation so that island resident children can enjoy some indoor activity? I am a R.I. resident and have two boys (12 & 14) who would love to play basketball during their school vacation. Please send some information or whom to contact. Thanks!
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) answers:
Please be advised the Sportspark sports complex will be closed for the Holidays December 24th - 25th, and January 1st.  On December 31st, we will be open on our regular Saturday schedule closing after the evening open swim.  Please visit the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation website for pool hours.

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
More information on Roosevelt Island's Sportspark facility here.