Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hazardous Condition - Lights Out At Roosevelt Island Motorgate Parking Garage, When Will They Be Fixed and Turned On?

The following Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports indicate problems with lighting at the Motorgate Parking Garage:
7:00 AM 01/23/12 - 7:00 AM 01/24/12
Hazardous Condition - At the Motorgate Garage. Lights out. Increased patrols. Referred to Central Parking personnel and to RIOC Engineering Dept.

7:00 AM 01/21/12 - 7:00 AM 01/22/12
Lights Out in Motorgate Garage - Referred to Central Parking and to RIOC Facilities. Increased patrols in area.

7:00 AM 01/20/12 - 7:00 AM 01/21/12
Hazardous Condition - Multiple lights out in Motorgate. Motorgate personnel notified.
Residents have reported that Motorgate lights being out is a constant problem, Yesterday, I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) for an explanation of the Motorgate Lighting problem and an estimate as to when it will be fixed. Will update when answer received.

An archive of Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports is listed on Roosevelt Islander middle sidebar.

UPDATE 1/27 - RIOC President Leslie Torres explains what happened with Motorgate Lights here.