Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA Celebrates 11th Anniversary With Vernissage 11, Opening Reception Saturday March 17 - What Will Gallery RIVAA's Future Be?
From Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA:
Come to the opening reception, enjoy the art, time with your friends and meet some of your neighbors you don't currently know. A list of previous exhibits is available at Gallery RIVAA's web site.11th Anniversary exhibitionSaturday, March 17, 2012 - Sunday, April 22, 2012RIVAA members celebrate their 11th Anniversary exhibition begun in March 2002.Opening Reception: March 17th from 6-9pm.
Here's Gallery RIVAA President Tad Sudol speaking at the Hudson Related October 20, 2012 Main Street Retail Town Hall Meeting.
There is possibility that Main Street Master Leaseholder Hudson Related will seek another tenant for the space currently occupied by Gallery RIVAA. The gallery was permitted to not pay any rent to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) when RIOC was the landlord for the space (Page 15 RIOC 2012-12 Budget).