Curbed Asks If Roosevelt Island's M&D Deli Qualifies As A New York City Bodega - What Do You Think?
The folks over at Curbed are having an everything you ever wanted to know about NYC Bodega Week and ask the question whether Roosevelt Island's M&D Deli qualifies as a bodega. According to Curbed:
... Uniquely a New York product, the bodega is a convenience store, a sandwich shop, sometimes a taqueria or a backroom gambling den, a grocer, a cigarette and lotto vendor, and invariably a neighborhood hangout for a cast of characters. Bodegas thrive in every neighborhood and stay open through every storm....and:
Everyone's heard and/or complained about the Gristedes supermarket on Roosevelt Island. It's easy to have a love/hate relationship when you're a captive customer to the only supermarket on a small island. But before a Duane Reade opened on the island, there was just M&D Deli Grocery on Main Street. It's larger than your average bodega, but it's a tiny grocery that sells a wide variety of essentials on the basis of convenience. It is Roosevelt Island's anti-supermarket. But is it a bodega? Let us know what you think.So, what do you think? Is Roosevelt Island's M & D Deli a bodega or not? Curbed even has a poll on the question so click on over here and answer the question whether M & D Deli is a bodega. At 11:40 AM on Friday. of the 59 votes cast so far 55.9% consider M&D Deli to be a bodega and 44.1% don't.