Grand Larceny At Roosevelt Island Gristedes Last Night By Unknown Employee Reports RIOC Public Safety Department

The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report for 8/30 - 31 indicated:
8/30/12 - 21:00PM - 686 Main St - Grand Larceny - By UNK employee at Gristedes. N.Y.P.D/P.S.D present.In response to my inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
Please provide additional details as to what was the subject of the Grand larceny, time of day, was a weapon used, as well as any other relevant information. Also what does the abbreviation UNK stand for.RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied:
The incident occurred on 8/30 at 9:00PM. There were no injuries. UNK stands for "unknown".According to NY Theft and Larceny Lawyers:
In New York, all theft crimes eventually come back to either Article 155 of the New York Penal Law or Article 165 of the New York Penal Law. That is, if you steal property valued in excess of $1,000 - money, cars, antiques, clothing, etc. - through Embezzlement, Extortion, false promise, trick or any other scheme, you will be charged with Grand Larceny...