Sunday, September 9, 2012

Roosevelt Landings Robbery, Westview Larceny and More Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incidents From September 1 - 7

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
The 9/5 Public Safety Report indicates:
9/5 -2229 - 560 Main St - Robbery - Victim Can ID Subjects - NYPD on scene
Please provide additional information including if the incident occurred on the street or in the building, time of day, was the victim an adult or child, how many subjects were involved in the robbery, what was the item stolen, were there any injuries as well as any other relevant information.

Does 2229 indicate the time of the incident as being 10:29 PM?
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied
The incident occurred inside the building at 10:29pm (time is listed in military time) and there were no injuries.
I also asked Mr. Guerra:
Please provide additional information regarding the larceny report described below.

9/02 - 1840 - 625 Main St - Larceny - NYPD/PSD on Scene

Thank you.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied
We can tell you that there were no injuries in this incident.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident Reports for September 1 -7.

9/6/12-7:00 AM to 9/7/12-7:00 AM

9/7 - 0400 - 510 Main St - Found property - Property Secured in PSD.

9/6 - 2259 - 694 Main St - Operating Vehicle with Suspended Licence. PSD Arrested Subject.

9/6 - 2020 - 888 Main St - Aided - Male Transported to local hospital.

9/6 - 0430 - 900 Main St - Missing Person/Aided - Hospital Police on scene.

9/6 - 0930 - 516 Main St - Found Property - Property Secured in PSD.

9/6 - 1200 - 546 Main St - Criminal Mischief - Damages repaired by cable company.

9/5/12-7:00 AM to 9/6/12-7:00 AM

9/5 - 1300 - 510 Main St - Family Concerns (Daughter/Mother) - Referred to NYPD

9/5 - 1900 - Adj 888 Main St - Found Property - Owner retrieved the property

9/5 - 2114 - 455 Main St - Lost Property (Off Island) - Referred to NYPD

9/5 -2229 - 560 Main St - Robbery - Victim Can ID Subjects - NYPD on scene

9/5 - 2259 - Known To The Dept. - Child Abuse Inter Family - Referred to NYPD/ ACS

9/6 - 0430 - 900 Main St - Missing Patient - Search made negative results.

9/4/12-7:00 AM to 9/5/12-7:00 AM

9/4 - 1400 - 510 Main St - Unsecured Door - PSD secured door

9/4 - 1405 - 688 Main St - Unsecured Vehicle - PSD secured vehicle

9/4 - 1450 - 510 Main St - Unsecured Mail - Mailman secured mail

9/4 - 1905 - 546 Main St - Aided - EMS Refused/ No injuries

9/4 - 1925 - 510 main St - Water leak - UA Corrected condition

9/4 - 2125 - F/O 1 Main St - Verbal Dispute - PSD corrected condition

9/5 - 0100 - 900 Main St - Missing Patient - Search made negative results

9/5 - 0500 - 531 Main St - Aided - EMS refused/ No Injuries

9/5 - 0600 - 510 Main St - Dispute - NYPD on scene - condition corrected

9/5 - 0630 - 300 Main St - Alarm - Referred to Tram Supervisor

9/3/12-7:00 AM to 9/4/12-7:00 AM

9/3 - 1205 - 560 Main St - Aided - Removed to hospital
9/3 - 1800 - 580 Main St - Found Property - Owner retrieved property
9/4 - 0630 - 531 Main St - Aided - EMS refused- No Injuries

9/2/12-7:00 AM to 9/3/12-7:00 AM

9/02 - 0957 - 560 Main St Aided - Removed to the hospital

9/02 - 1400 - Unsecured door - Door secured

9/02 - 1500 - S/O 1 Main St - Trespassing - PSD arrested subject

9/02 - 1515 - 580 Main St - Verbal Dispute - No Injuries

9/02 - 1840 - 625 Main St - Larceny - NYPD/PSD on Scene

9/02 - 2039 - 546 Main St - Gas Leak - UA corrected condition

9/02 - 2230 - 10 River Rd - Found Property - PSD secured property

9/1/12-7:00 AM to 9/2/12-7:00 AM

09/01 - 0945 - Found Property - Secured at PSD

09/01 - 1220 - Harassment - No injuries

09/01 - 1425 - Harassment - No injuries

09/01 - 2015 - Shoplifter - Search made with negative results
The Daily Public Safety Reports are listed on sidebar.