Roosevelt Island Hurricane Sandy Donations To Rockaways Head Start School Continue Sunday December 2 From 8-9 AM In Front Of PS/IS 217 - Laundry Detergent, Heaters, Housewares, Dishes Among Items Most Needed This Week
Here's the latest update on efforts of Roosevelt Island residents to donate and deliver supplies to the Community and Family Head Start School in the Rockaways devastated by Hurricane Sandy. According to Karine Wong, who organized Roosevelt Island Hurricane donations and deliveries to the Rockaway:
Hi everyone,
We received some news from the Head Start School. The big news is that they will open next week for 2 classrooms of kids. 2nd floor approved by the Dept of Health to reopen! Plan is to transition children of highest need back to classrooms.
Just so you know what they are dealing with the priority list looks like this;
Children who are receiving special needs services
Children receiving related services (speech/ language, play therapy)
Children who receive SEIT services
Children who are in the process of an evaluation for services
Children who are homeless/doubled up families
Children who have siblings in the program
Here is what they really really need – as people are starting to try and put some sense of normalcy back into their lives;
Laundry detergent
Heaters (many homes have electricity but not heat still!)
Houseware Yes!!
Place mats
We will collect at the same time and location – Sunday morning 8 – 9am across the street from PS217. We will deliver at the same place, time and location – Community Parents Head Start School – Monday morning. Join in if you can.
Please come and contribute – bring what the need – if you haven’t got what they need – the 16 passenger van does use up a lot of gas – so you could contribute there…
Don't forget to "Like" our page:
See you Sunday!
PS: many of you have asked if we could put "a face" on Cynthia's name. Here she is on the left with short hair and white turtleneck with her amazing staff and your donations in the background.
Cynthia Cummings is the Executive Director of the Community and Family Head Start School.