Thursday, November 29, 2012

Land Grab By FDR Memorial Of Roosevelt Island Southpoint Park - ThirtyThousand Dollar Fence Placed Around Smallpox Hospital Without ApprovalBy RIOC, Removal Demanded By Directors

Image Of Fence Closing Off Smallpox Hospital From Southpoint Park

During November 15 meeting of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Committee (audio webcast of meeting here), it was learned that the FDR Four Freedoms Park Boondoggle (FDR) installed a $30 Thousand fence surrounding the Smallpox Hospital

Image Of Fence Closing Off Smallpox Hospital From Southpoint Park

in Southpoint Park outside the area of the Four Freedoms Park without prior approval of RIOC.

This is the fence.

A visibly angry and outraged RIOC Director David Kraut demanded that the fence be removed telling FDR's Executive Director Gina Pollara that the fencing surrounding the Smallpox Hospital of RIOC property was:
 ... a land grab...
... you just can't do that...
...I am furious you would put a fence across Roosevelt Island...
... you don't have enough law or friends in high places to make us abrogate our responsibility...
RIOC Director Margie Smith said that she did not think there was any land grab. That it was a good faith mistake but that she does not like the fence either.

Here's the Land Grab discussion from RIOC November 15 Operations Committee meeting.

and part 2.

Roosevelt Island resident April Ward attended the meeting and comments:
Southpoint park is the green space, planted with native New York plants and the fenced Renwick ruin, directly before the entrance to the FDR memorial.

FDR has unequivocally and unapologetically over stepped the boundaries of their park to claim a vast swath of land from Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park, fencing it in to lock it off from visitors according to their limited open hours. The ___foot tall iron picket fence blocks the once beautiful view of the United Nations complex and cuts off the end of the island in an abrupt, massive, physical affront. This "land grab" is an insult to every islander and can not be tolerated.

They have planted two non-native invasive plant species adjacent to Southpoint, some where it appears to be in Southpoint. In addition they want an institutional metal "security booth" stationed in Southpoint Park for their use, just outside the new entry point of this offensive fence.

It seems they did not plan well and now want more space for themselves. Poor planning on their part is no excuse for their want of yet more land and their recent fence construction. And it is absolutely not a reason for Roosevelt Island to simply hand them a few more acres of our green space, let them plant non-native invasives in the park and host their eyesore hut.
Today's RIOC Operations Committee meeting will include a discussion of the fence and the operations of the Park. According to the Agenda for the meeting:
3. Discussion of Southpoint and Four Freedoms Parks Fence and General Operational Issues
According to the FDR web site, here are the rules they are seeking the public to obey.
Park Rules

Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park is a Presidential memorial. To preserve its sanctity and keep the memorial clean, let us all observe the simple rules below. Thank you for honoring this shared public space. Have a wonderful visit.

Please Do

Carry out what you carry in; no littering
Quietly stroll, but leave bicycles, roller skates, scooters, skateboards and amplifiers at home
Enjoy Nature but no tree-climbing, fishing or feeding of wildlife
Leave dogs and pets at home
Enjoy water but no food, alcohol or other beverages
Observe No Smoking policy
For Your Safety

No climbing of embankments or walls
No glass containers
Do not obstruct entrances or walkways
Thank You
Certainly does not sound like much of a park to me.

It will be interesting to see who sets the rules for the operation of the so-called park,

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Skateboarding in Southpoint Park

RIOC which controls the land or FDR and "their friends in high places" to quote Mr. Kraut.