Take A Trip To Socrates Sculpture Park With Roosevelt Island Blogger BuboBlog
Have you ever taken walk over the Roosevelt Island Bridge, turned left and walked down Vernon Boulevard to Socrates Sculpture Park? Roosevelt Island blogger BuboBlog did recently and reports:
I recently heard that there was a sculpture garden within walking distance of Roosevelt Island, just across the bridge in Queens. So Elliot and I bundled up (it was in the 30s today) and set out to find it....Click here for the full report of BuboBlog's visit to Socrates Sculpture Park and take a look at this short video of what you can see when visiting.
...The sculpture park, which is open every day during sunlight hours, is right next to the Costco.
The park doesn't feel as polished as some of the sculpture gardens I've visited — say, the one outside the DeYoung in San Francisco or the one in Minneapolis. But, hey, this is Queens. Apparently the site was an illegal dumping ground until 1986.
The sculptures themselves are engaging and exhibit a nice mix of styles...
I think Socrates Sculpture Park is a great place and highly recommend you go for a visit.