Roosevelt Island Boy Scout Christmas Trees On Sale Starting Tomorrow At Motorgate Garage - Support Local Boy Scout Troop Or Not Because Of National Organization's Anti Gay Policy?
Are you looking to buy a Roosevelt Island Christmas tree like the reader below who asked as others have:
I'm a resident at 540 Main street and last year we had such wonderful luck with the Boy Scouts selling Christmas tree's under the bridge by the super-market...and was wondering if that was happening again this year?A Roosevelt Island Boy Scout leader reports:
The Boy Scouts will be selling trees again this year.There has been quite a robust discussion on the December 7 Roosevelt Island Tree Lighting thread regarding whether to purchase a Christmas Tree from the the local Roosevelt Island Boy Scouts troop because, as stated by reader Yet Another RI'er:
The schedule is the following.
Friday, Dec. 7th, 6-8pm
Saturday, Dec. 8th, 10am-6pm
Sunday, Dec. 9th, 1pm-6pm
Friday, Dec. 14th, 6-8pm
Saturday, Dec. 15th, 10am-6pm
Sunday, Dec. 16th, 1pm=6pm
Friday, Dec. 21st, 6-8pm
Saturday, Dec. 22nd, 10am-6pm
Sunday, Dec. 23rd, 1pm-6pm
I have seen posts in the past talking about cheaper trees at Costco. However, the trees the Scouts sell are locally grown and transported the day after they are cut. That's why they look and smell fresh and last well. Most other trees sold in NYC are transported from the west coast and spend weeks in transit.
For those sensitive to environmental concerns, the trees being locally grown and transported means that the net carbon footprint is negative. During their 6-9 year growing period, the trees sequester more carbon dioxide than is emitted in processing and transporting them.
Lastly, I have seen criticism of the Boy Scouts as an organization. I share those concerns. I have been associated with Troop 59 for decades. We had to think long and hard after a national policy was adopted discriminating against gay scout leaders. If we had disbanded the Troop, the only ones hurt would have been our local scouts. If we had separated from Boy Scouts, we would have lost insurance coverage among other things which would have rendered it nearly impossible to carry on. We decided to continue while upholding our own views about diversity and inclusion. Virtually all the Scout leaders I have come to know in the New York area feel similarly and refuse to go along with the narrow-minded policies promulgated by the national organization. I believe that supporting our local Roosevelt Island Scout Troop 59 does no harm to a philosophy of inclusion.
... of their open anti-gay policies.which drew this reply from m president:
That is the fault of the administration of the organization, not the kids selling trees. Let them have their camping trip or whatever they do with the money, and protest the scouting organization in another way.and from Jesse Webster:
and from Frank Farance:
More comments on topic begin here.