Saturday, December 8, 2012

Roosevelt Island Hurricane Sandy Donations To Rockaways Head Start School Continue Sunday December 9 From 8-9 AM In Front Of PS/IS 217 - Laundry Detergent, Heaters, Housewares, Dishes Among Items Most Needed This Week

 Image of Roosevelt Islanders Collecting Donations For Rockaways  From Olya Turcihin

Here's the latest update on efforts of Roosevelt Island residents to donate and deliver supplies to the Community and Family Head Start School in the Rockaways devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  According to Karine Wong, who organized Roosevelt Island Hurricane donations and deliveries to the Rockaway:
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to remind you about our next Roosevelt Island Hurricane Sandy collection this coming Sunday December 9 From 8-9 AM In Front Of PS/IS 217.

The list is basically the same as last week since the families are still cleaning up their homes.

Food (always),
Laundry detergent,
Place mats,
glasses/mugs among Items Most Needed, but of course anything you feel like donating is greatly appreciated.

I just got an email from someone donating his own laptop... this is one email among many....

Please come and contribute – bring what you can – if you haven’t got what they need – the 16 passenger van does use up a lot of gas – so you could contribute there… See you Sunday and don't forget to enjoy the holiday season!
Roosevelt Island resident Nina Lubin reported last week:
I will stop by tomorrow morning with a cash donation towards gas for the van, and a check for the Head Start Program.

I have been affiliated for 30 years with many of NYC's Head Start programs and know many of the hard working Directors. Recent changes by the city to the way Early Childhood services are delivered have wreaked havoc for child cares, Head Starts and other programs. Programs in Red Hook, Coney Island, Staten Island and the Rockaways have been hard hit by both Administration For Children's Services (ACS) and Sandy.

I have known Cynthia for over 20 years and she is one of my heroes. Our Island could not have found a better partner to work with on behalf of low-income families and children at risk or with special needs.

Few Early Childhood leaders work harder than she does on behalf of families and her staff -- they deserve our support.