Monday, January 7, 2013

Update On Speeding Roosevelt Island Car Crash Last Night - RIOC Says Little, NYPD Gives Account Of Unlicensed Driver DWI Arrest

Reported earlier today that:
...Observers reported a car speeding south along Roosevelt Island's Main Street in Southtown last night at about 11 PM and crashing into several parked cars at 425 Main...
I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis and Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra:
I understand there was a car speeding incident and crash last night (around 11 PM) in Southtown adjacent to 425 Main. It reportedly involved a drunk driver.

Observers reported that the car was moving at approximately 50mph on Main Street before the crash.

Any comment?

Thank you.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson answered:
We can tell you that there were no injuries related to this incident.
I responded:
Can you confirm if the driver of the car was drunk and the approximate speed of the car traveling on Main Street?

I was told that the driver may have been drunk and that the car was traveling at approximately 50 mph.
No further response from RIOC.

I spoke with a NYPD Press Spokesperson who reported that the driver of the car involved in this incident is a Roosevelt Island resident without a license to operate the vehicle. The driver was found with empty beer bottles in the car, refused to take a breath analyzer test and was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and resisting arrest.

Later in the day, RIOC posted this description of the incident on the Daily Public Safety Report:
01/06/13 - 2247 - F/O 425 Main Street - DWI - Property damage - No injuries - Subject arrested by PSD
Also listed on the 1/6 - 7 Daily Public Safety Report was this incident:
01/06/13 - 1944 - R/O 1 Main St - Solicitation - People advised no solicitation permitted
Will try and find out what that was about.