Main Street Retail And Island Services Committee Reports To The January 2013 Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council - Stores, Red Bus, Library, Playgrounds, Motorgate, Strollers, Parks, Q102 Among Items To Be Addressed
Below is the Island Services Committee and Main Street Retail Advisory Committee reports to the January 2013 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council.
Let your RIRA representatives know what you think about theses issues.RIRA – ISLAND SERVICES COMMITTEE (ISC) & MAIN ST. RETAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSRAC) REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL MEETING, 1/9/13
Both committees met in a joint session on 1/7/13. 18 members attended, 8 were absent.
- Susan Marcus and Elisabeth Stapen were nominated as Co-Chairs of the committee. The Common Council needs to approve them as Co-Chairs at tonightʼs meeting.
- The immediate action for the MSRAC is to schedule a meeting with the Hudson-Related Retail Stores Project Manager, Arianna Sacks, to get an update on the project and to discuss community reaction to the first two new stores that have opened – Subways and Main St. Sweets.
The ISC discussed key issues we will work on over the next six months:
Other Issues and Concerns
- Proposed Changes in Red Bus Stops and Operations Frank Farance (Chair-Planning Committee) and Aaron Hamburger (Chair – ISC) will work directly with RIOCʼs Cy Opperman to resolve these issues.
- New Public Library Marilyn Atkins will follow developments on this issue.
- Parks & Playgrounds Eva Bosbach will be our lead person on Parks and Playground issues. Some current concerns are improvement in Southpoint Park, Rules for use of FDR Memorial Park, and future relocation of the Blackwell Park tot playground.
- Motorgate Mickey Rindler will be our “point person” on Motorgate. Motorgate is currently being renovated with new lighting and waterproofing the structure.
- Full-Services Pharmacy Raye Schwartz will be our lead person on this continuing issue.
- O-102 Bus Romano Reid was successful in negotiating with the MTA to get another bus stop, mainly to aid residents of Roosevelt Landings. The extra stop will be in front of 504 Main St. Reid has established a good contact with MTA which we can use for future bus and subway issues.
ISC has a new problem in dealing with RIOC. Previously, our principal contact was Fernando Martinez, VP Operations. With Martinezʼs departure and no replacement as yet, we must develop new contacts at RIOC who have the authority to deal with and resolve issues and concerns from residents.
- Easy and quick access to the Tram for strollers.
- Use of rat poison on Roosevelt Island.
- Baby & Toddler swim classes at Sportspark.
Aaron Hamburger, Chair - ISC