Q 102 Roosevelt Island Bus Service On Agenda For Community Board 8 Transportation Committee Wednesday Night - What Would You Suggest To Improve Q 102 Bus Service?
The Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Transportation Committee will be meeting Wednesday, April 3. An Agenda Item is of concern to Roosevelt Island riders of the Q 102 bus. According to CB 8 Transportation Committee Agenda, a discussion will be held on:
... the Q102 Bus line on Roosevelt Island...
I asked CB 8 Transportation Committee Co-Chair Scott Falk:
I am preparing a post for Roosevelt Islander Online regarding the Q102 CB 8 discussion. Could you tell me what the purpose of the Roosevelt Island Q 102 discussion is about?Mr. Falk replied:
Larry informed me that he thinks it has to do with the Q102 service schedule (long waits) on Roosevelt Island. Is that true?
Several Roosevelt Island residents have discussed with me the desirability of changing the Q102 bus route so that it travels down Vernon B'lvd to Jackson Avenue which would connect Roosevelt Island to the Long Island City commercial corridor. Is this route change part of the discussion and if not, can it be?
Some resident complaints regarding long rush-hour waits for the Q102 were brought to my attention, and CB8M added this to our agenda to see if we could help. We don't specifically plan to address the rerouting that you mention, in that this rerouting would take place outside of our district, but we expect to have New York City Transit reps at the meeting -- and I certainly wouldn't discourage the R.I. residents from expressing any such suggestions while they have the ear of NYCT.Wednesday's CB 8 Transportation Committee meeting will be held at MSK-Rockefeller Research Laboratories 430 East 67th Street (First-York) Room RRL-B20 starting 6:30 PM.
The CB8M full-board meeting for April is scheduled to take place on 4/17 at Manhattan Park's Theater Club, so that will also provide additional residents the chance to speak during our public session, but there is no expectation of any NYCT representative to be present (and thus this Wednesday may provide the best chance for NYCT to hear directly about the complaints and suggestions).
Here is the current route of the Q 102 Bus.
Instead of turning on Vernon and 41st Avenue, the Q 102 could continue down Vernon to Jackson Avenue in LIC and then to Queensboro Plaza connecting Roosevelt Island to the heart of Long Island City.