Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Roosevelt Island Grand Larceny, Assault and Robery Incidents Reported In Last Few Days - RIOC Discusses Whether Safety Considerations Should Close Lighthouse Park Before Midnight and Put Up Entrance Gates

Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents reported in the last few days include;

07/28/13 - 2137 - 580 Main St. - Robbery - PSD/NYPD responded. Report taken.

07/28/13 - 2245 - Assault - 686 Main St. -PSD/NYPD responded. Report taken.

07/29/13 - 0630 - Petit Larceny - PSD report taken. NYPD refused.

07/29/13 - 1000 - 688 Main St - Grand Larceny - PSD & NYPD responded - Report filed.

07/30/13 - 0420 - R/O 500 Main St - Assault/ Aided - PSD & NYPD responded - Refused Ems - Report filed.

07/30/13 - 0430 - 625 Main St - Attempted Grand Larceny - PSD responded - Refused NYPD - Report filed
I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Interim Public Safety Department (PSD) Director Jack McManus for additional information regarding these incidents. Will update when more is known.

The Daily Roosevelt Island PSD incident reports are posted and archived on the sidebar of this page.

During the July 16 RIOC Real Estate Advisory Committee (audio webcast here) meeting, RIOC President Charlene Indelicato, Mr. McManus and RIOC Directors discussed the idea of instituting consistent closing hours for Roosevelt Island parks so that late night crowds do not congregate at Lighthouse Park

which currently stays open to midnight.

Also, discussed was the idea of placing gates at the entrances

Queens Side Entrance To Lighthouse Park

to Lighthouse Park

 Manhattan Side Entrance To Lighthouse Park

so that closing times can be enforced.

No decisions were made.

Here's the RIOC Real Estate Advisory Committee discussion of Roosevelt Island park hours of operation and the possible gating of Lighthouse Park.

What do you think? Should Lighthouse Park be closed earlier than midnight and gates placed at entrance?