Roosevelt Island Assembly Member Micah Kellner In Twitter Smackdown With NYC Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson
Roosevelt Island/Upper East Side Assembly Member Micah Kellner, who lost the Democratic Party nomination for NYC Council District 5 earlier this month (covering roughly the same geographic area), got into a Twitter smackdown
with NYC Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson today.
From the Twitterverse:
.@DeBlasioNYC said he'd replace @DavidYassky at Taxi & Limousine Commission. cc: @danarubinstein @TransportNation
— Azi Paybarah (@Azi) September 19, 2013
Won't you be looking for a new job soon? “@MicahKellner: Amen! @Azi: .@DeBlasioNYC said he'd replace @DavidYassky at Taxi & Limo Commission
— howard wolfson (@howiewolf) September 19, 2013
@MicahKellner among the differences btwn you and Yassky is that he passed the vet for commissioner. You wouldn't.
— howard wolfson (@howiewolf) September 19, 2013
Sellout for @MikeBloomberg ? @MicahKellner you're in Shelly Silver's house & you're throwing stones? cc @howiewolf
— Charmian Neary (@CharmianNeary) September 19, 2013