Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Roosevelt Island Youth Program Soccer Recap After Week 2 - More Exciting Games Coming Up

 Opening Day Of 2013 RIYP Soccer Season At Octagon Field

Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Soccer Director Adib Mansour updates us on the 2013 RIYP Soccer Season. According to Mr. Mansour:
Here are the standings for the Soccer Fall 2013 leagues. We've had a few scrimmage games in addition to the qualifications in order to make sure the teams are equal in strength by numbers and by field experience. So far it has proven successful. Mostly, if a team is stronger than the other it is because the main player(s) did not show up to the game on the other team.

We've had 2 games thus far with only one week of practice. So, the upcoming games will be even more exciting!
At present, the teams are designated by the names of their coaches but will soon have proper soccer team names.

Here's what happened during week 1 of the 2013 RIYP Soccer Season including the coaching debut of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Jack McManus and Officer Martinez

PSD's McManus and Martinez with RIYP's DeFino and Soccer Players

as well as a lesson in sportsmanship

from Mr. Adib during the after game team handshake.