Roosevelt Island Parents' Network And RIOC Work Together To Continue Mommy & Me Swim Classes At Sportspark In 2014 - Classes Start This Sunday
The Roosevelt Island Parents' Network (RIPN) together with the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee persuaded the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to continue the Mommy & Me Baby/Toddler Swim Classes at Sportspark starting in January 2014.
RIPN Coordinator Eva Bosbach reports:
We are happy to announce that swim classes at Sportspark for children 6 months to 3 years old start again this Sunday January 12 with two classes beginning at 11 and 11:30 AM.
You can register for the entire 8 week program or drop-in for any single class.
The formerly held 10:30 and 11AM Wednesday classes may continue as well if there is enough interest. If you would like to participate in either of the classes, please email me for further information:
We would like to thank RIOC for continuing these popular and much needed classes for the community as well as RIRA President Ellen Polivy and Island Services Committee Chair Aaron Hamburger for their support.
RIOC adds:
Mommy & Me water safety classes at Sportspark will be continuing during January and February. Sunday classes will be taking place at 11:00 AM and 11:30 AM beginning January 12, 2014 and ending March 2, 2014. For residents who pre-pay for the session, the fee will remain $5 per class (a total of $40). Payment can be made by check, cash or money order at Sportspark (250 Main St.) on or before January 12, 2014. Families who are interested can contact Eddie Perez (
The rates are as follows:
Resident Fee: $40/session (at $5/class), $7/drop-in
Non-Resident Fee: $80/session (at $10/class), $12/drop-in