Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snapshots Photography By Mircea Nicolescu Exhibition Opening Reception Today At Roosevelt Island's RIVAA Octagon Gallery 6-9 PM

Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA will be hosting an opening reception later today, January 25 from 6PM - 9PM for their new exhibition, Snapshots Photography by Mircea Nicolescu, at the Octagon Gallery.

According to Gallery RIVAA:
Photography by Mircea Nicolescu
Saturday, January 25, 2014 - Sunday, March 2, 2014
Opening reception: Saturday, January 25th, 2014 from 6-9pm.

Romanian born engineer, with a lifelong passion for photography,have lived in the US for the last 23 years. I have been a member of AAFR (Association of Photographer Artists of Romania) since 1988, and my art has been exhibited in several photographic salons over the years.The last one was the 13th International Photographic Salon – Sibiu, Romania, in 2009. I’ve published a photography book about New York "Manhattan, Faces and Places" in 2010 which can be seen at:

With my camera, I like to capture a unique moment (snapshot) and transfer that into a great photograph which might induce emotions and pleasure to my viewers.Therefore this show, "SNAPSHOTS" with a collection of my best diverse images over the years.

Octagon Gallery, The Octagon, 888 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, NYC. 9am-9pm
More of Mr. Nicolescu's photography can be seen at his blog, Manhattan - Faces & Places.