Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Urban American Explains Reason For Water And Electric Shut Down Today At Roosevelt Island's Roosevelt Landings Complex - On Earth Day, Owner Urban American Connecting Energy Efficient Onsite Combined Heat & Power Plant

An update to yesterday's post about water and electricity shut down today at Urban American's Roosevelt Landings complex.

  Image of Roosevelt Landings formerly Eastwood

Urban American's Josh Eisenberg explains the reason for water and electric shutdown today. Mr. Eisenberg reports:
The shut down is required in order to connect our new Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) to the electrical and hot water systems in the building.

Despite an inconvenient but unavoidable disruption in service Tuesday, we are proud to announce that Roosevelt Landings will be connecting its new Combined Heat and Power system that will generate 300 kW of electricity and 2.1 million BTUs/hr of domestic hot water.

When activated, our onsite power plant and heating system will be capable of generating 15% of the building's electricity on site and all of the hot water for more than 1000 apartments 30% more efficiently than before.

Only the 540 building where the system is located will be affected by the electrical shut down. We tried to plan the shut down at the least inconvenient time possible for the most number of residents. (While the rest of the complex will be affected by the brief hot water shut down, it should not be affected by the electrical shut down isolated in the 540 building.)

Unfortunately, disruption of service will affect everyone in some way and this cannot be helped. Management on the ground has identified those residents they believe will require special assistance, but those that have received the notice but have not yet spoken to the front office are encouraged to contact reception immediately.

On this Earth Day, 2014, I am proud to report that Urban American is making good on real commitments to energy efficiency on Roosevelt Island and that we will continue, as we have for many years, to make these improvements throughout our portfolios in New York City. We deeply appreciate our residents cooperation in this and in other aspects of our energy efficiency program at Roosevelt Landings. The enthusiasm and support of our residents in providing access for the installation of smart thermostats and for extensive air sealing has aided greatly in making this effort so far to be one of the largest and deepest energy efficiency retrofits of an apartment complex in New York City.

I asked Mr. Eisenberg:
When do you anticipate the on site power plant and heating system to be activated?
He replied:
Optimistically, by the end of May. But there are still a few more steps in the process to firing up that CHP plant. The new boilers have been running for several months already.
Mr. Eisenberg explained Urban American's energy efficiency program during April 2013 Roosevelt Island real estate discussion on the Michael Stoler Report. Here's what Mr. Eisenberg had to say.

More details on Urban American's energy efficiency retrofits at Roosevelt Landings from previous post.