Thursday, July 3, 2014

Great Pictures Of Lightning Over New York City Last Night Seen From Roosevelt Island - Did Storm Wash Away Window Bird Poop Too? RIOC Opens Cooling Center At Seniors Center Today

That was some thunder and lightning storm last night.

Nathaniel Phillips shares these great photos

Image From Nathaniel Phillips

of the lightening over New York City

Image From Nathaniel Phillips

last night seen from Roosevelt Island.

Image From Nathaniel Phillips

More lightning over NYC seen from Roosevelt Island via the Twitterverse,

a wish that the rain will wash away some Roosevelt Island window bird poop

and a post thunderstorm sunset of NYC seen from Roosevelt Island's Manhattan Park.

Image From Diana Desrocher

Today will be another very hot day. The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) has opened an air conditioned cooling center at the Seniors Center. According to RIOC:
The Nation Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for New York City from 12:00 noon today until 5:00 PM tonight. A cooling center has been established at the Roosevelt Island Senior Center (546 Main St.) and will remain open from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM today. As a reminder, a cooling center will be made available when the heat index becomes dangerously high. Individuals without air conditioning, particularly those at risk for heat related illness, should use established cooling centers during a heat wave.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
UPDATE 7/7 - Another great picture of the lightning seen from Roosevelt Island.