Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Community Board 8 Speaks On Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech Project -Ellen Polivy Interviews CB 8's Jeff Escobar & Larry Parnes On ULURP, Community Benefit Agreement And Dealing With Cornell

 Image of Ms. Polivy, Mr Parnes and Mr Escobar From CB 8 Speaks

Roosevelt Island resident, Co- Chair of the Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC) and Community Board 8 (CB8) member Ellen Polivy reports:
I interviewed Larry Parnes and Jeff Escobar in two segments that will air monthly for the next 2 months on all local cable networks. First show will air at 9:30 pm on thurs July 3. First topic is Cornell. Second topic is RI governance. Called "CBS Speaks",  it will be on MNN. (Manhattan neighborhood network)

The show will also be available on the CB8m.com.
Mr. Escobar, President of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA), and Mr. Parnes are both members of CB 8 and were very active citizens representing the interests of Roosevelt Island residents during the various negotiations with Cornell NYC Tech.

Topics discussed during the interview included the Cornell NYC Tech Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP), community benefit agreements and the strategy used by the Roosevelt Island community to organize themselves for negotiations with Cornell.

Mr. Escobar and Parnes also describe their expertise in real estate and land use matters, Mr. Escobar as an attorney and Mr. Parnes was formerly the Deputy Director of NYC Planning Commission.

Here's the full interview.

The subject of Part 2 will be Roosevelt Island governance.