Roosevelt Island Photographers Prints For Sale At The Saturday FarmersMarket - Excellent Photos By Paul Katz And Tony Vita, Stop By And TakeA Look
I spotted two new vendors at last Saturday's Roosevelt Island Farmers Market. Lloyd Woltz and Tony Vita were selling photography prints. Mr. Woltz was selling prints on behalf of Paul Katz and Mr. Vita was selling his own prints.
Mr. Woltz reports:
I've been a Roosevelt Island resident since January 1989. I first met Paul Katz shortly after he moved to the Island in 2003. A few months before his passing (in August of last year) he asked if I would be interested in helping him sell his prints. When it became obvious that he didn't have much time left, he told me "to do whatever [I] wanted" with his work. When I proposed that his share of the proceeds go to the Youth Program to help facilitate Island kids' access to photography (by hopefully providing equipment, supplies, etc.) his eyes lit up.If you are at the Farmers Market tomorrow, stop on by and take a look at some of the prints for sale by Lloyd and Tony,
Image Of Lloyd Selling Paul Katz Photography Prints At Roosevelt Island Farmers Market
His family has graciously offered their full support to this endeavor.
Paul loved it here, and in retrospect, it is apparent just how important it was for him to remain at home on the Island as long as he possibly could...
Island residents may recognize some of Paul's work from the Main Street Wire and Trellis, where his prints cover a couple of walls.
Image Of Paul Katz Photography
Also familiar to many, though more anonymous, is work of his that has been featured in print ads and on websites over the years.
Paul's personal history can best be described as just as eclectic as his work is. He commanded military photo units in Vietnam and later Central America. At different times he had his own studio, worked for and taught at colleges around the City (including NYU, where he met and befriended Island resident, artist Tony Vita over 35 years ago,) and also served as an auxiliary police officer and part-time Federal Marshall.
Many will remember him as the white-haired 'gentleman' regularly at Trellis, who liked every small child (as well as most women) he ever met.
Image Of Paul Katz From Reserveinc
His work encompasses an incredibly broad range of styles and methods too numerous to elaborate on here. Suffice it to say that he saw every new advance and innovation in photographic technology as a toy that he would play with until he found what he considered 'neat' things to do with it.
Prints will be available for purchase (and browsing) at the Island's green-market on Saturdays when weather permits. As noted earlier, proceeds from all sales will benefit photography at the Roosevelt Island Youth Program.
chat with them and maybe even buy a print or two.