Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lighthouse Park Footbridges Washed Away By Hurricane Sandy Finally Replaced - Finishing Touches Still Need To Be Completed But You Can Now Walk To Peaceful Lighthouse At Northern Tip Of Roosevelt Island

Good News.

The Lighthouse Park footbridges washed away by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012  have been replaced. Roosevelt Island resident C. Grant sent in this picture yesterday

Image From C. Grant

and reports:
I forgot how nice the walk around the point is for peaceful thinking

The yellow tape is blocking only the red wood area where they are still fixing. The bridges are open and one can walk around
There are still some finishing touches that need to be made in the area but you can finally walk to the northern tip of Roosevelt Island's Lighthouse Park.

This is what Lighthouse Park looked like under water during Hurricane Sandy

 Roosevelt Island Lighthouse Park Under Water From Huricane Sandy Via Kate Williams Tweet

and the washed away footbridge space

a few weeks ago.

Happy to have the Lighthouse area open to the public again.