Friday, September 19, 2014

Capture The Flag For Adults Turning Roosevelt Island Into A Giant Urban Playground Saturday September 20 - Roosevelt Island 5K Race Same Day Too

The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse reports:

According to the Roosevelt Island Capture The Flag event organizer Patchquilt:
You’ve never played

… till you’ve played with us.

Capture the Flag takes on a whole new life as Patchquilt brings it to the streets of New York. Stealth and speed will aid you as you take captives, guard your flags, free your friends from peril, and battle to become Capture the Flag champions. The epic game takes on a new twist with multiple flags and territories made up of the actual parks and streets of New York’s Roosevelt Island.

Where is it?

(and what else should I know)

We’re turning Roosevelt Island, a narrow island situated in New York’s East River into a giant urban playground. You can take in the scenery and travel by tram or hop on the subway, it’s just one stop from midtown. When you sign up for Capture the Flag, you’ll get to choose a team color. On the day of the event be sure to dress proudly in your team’s color. Capture the Flag is just for players over the age of eighteen. It’s an athletic event and intended for individuals in good physical health.
Roosevelt Island Capture the Flag takes place between 11 AM - 2 PM and costs $20 to participate. Blood Sweat & Cheers adds:
... After working up a powerful thirst, players can retire to nearby Riverwalk Bar & Grill for an after-party with drink specials....
Also, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) reports a 5K race about the same time as the Capture The Flag event:
Please be advised there will be a 5K Race on Saturday, September 20th, 2014, beginning at 9:00 AM that will take place around the perimeter of Roosevelt Island.

Please note that there will be No Parking from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM Saturday, September 20th, 2014 on the West Roadway between the Tram and the Subway (rear of 405 to 455 Main Street).

The race will be completely contained to a protected perimeter of the Island. Expect minor disruptions in Q102 and Red Bus service during that time.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group