Thursday, September 18, 2014

You're Invited To Four Freedoms Democratic Club Meeting On Roosevelt Island Tonight - NY State 76 AD Candidate Rebecca Seawright And State Senator Jose Serrano Will Be There Too

Are you interested in local Democratic Party politics? If yes, tonight's 6:30 PM meeting of the Four Freedoms Democratic Club (FFDC) at Roosevelt Island's Good Shepherd Community Center is for you. According to the FFDC:
Join us for our September membership meeting! This will be our first meeting following the Democratic primary, so we will have a lot to talk about! We will be joined by Rebecca Seawright, the Democratic nominee for State Assembly in the 76th district.

This will also be our first regular meeting on Roosevelt Island and we are thrilled to be joined by Senator Jose M. Serrano who represents Roosevelt Island in the State Senate.

Join us for an exciting and informative meeting!
Here is the Meeting Agenda:
I. Welcome

II. Sen. Jose M. Serrano updates the club on issues affecting the district, and on efforts to win the State Senate in November

III. Rebecca Seawright, Democratic nominee for Assembly, talks about her general election campaign as well as her thoughts on various issues facing the district.

IV. Elections Update

V. Treasurer Update

VI. People’s Climate March:

VII. Illegal Hotel Coalition:

VIII. Right to Counsel bill:

IX. Member Time

X. Adjourn
More information on the FFDC available at their web site.