Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Roosevelt Island Moms On The Move Walking And Exercise Group Meeting 9 AM Thursday September 18 At Tram Kiosk

The Roosevelt Island Moms on the Move walking

Image Of Roosevelt Island Moms On The Move At FDR Four Freedoms Park

 and exercise group

Image Of RI Moms On The Move Exercise Group

meets this Thursday. According to Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator Eva Bosbach:
Our next free Roosevelt Island Moms on the Move (RI MoM) walk and exercise will take place this Thursday, September 18, starting at 9 AM at the Tram kiosk.

We will walk to the south of the island on the Manhattan side and back, and end with some exercise by our fitness coach Paulina Mansz on the grassy area above the Meditation steps, in front of Dr. Grimm's office.

Looking forward to seeing you and your little ones there! :)
Please send me a short e-mail if you are interested in joining us.