Tables Turned On NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Robo Caller - Roosevelt Island Resident Asks When Governor Cuomo Will Appoint Someone To Fill Long Vacant RIOC Board Of Directors Seat
Roosevelt Island resident Janet Falk describer her recent experience with a Robo-Caller from NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's campaign seeking her vote. According to Ms. Falk:
Answer the Question, Governor CuomoThe Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors seat referenced by Ms. Falk has been vacant since February 2013 when former Child School principal and RIOC Board Director Sal Fererra abruptly resigned.
It's election season, so we all are getting phone calls from candidates and their robo-callers. One campaigner at a telephone bank unexpectedly got an earful. Let me reconstruct the conversation:
"Hi Janet, this is Bruce. I'm calling on behalf of Governor Andrew Cuomo. Can he count on your vote in the election on Tuesday, November 4?"
"That's a good question, and I have a question for you, too. If you will answer my question, then I will answer yours. (pause) When will Governor Cuomo appoint someone to the vacant seat on the Board of Directors of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation? And, come to think of it, when will he address the fact that the terms of all the members who are residents of Roosevelt Island have expired?"
"Wow, Janet, I can't answer that for you."
"Of course you can't. So, I suggest you find someone who can answer those questions and when you do, call me back. Then I'll give you my answer about whether I'm voting for Governor Cuomo."
WNYC's Brian Lehrer reports on a different type of Robo Calling - not for any particular candidate
but just trying to get people to vote.
UPDATE 12:40 PM - Oops, correction. The call Ms. Falk received from Governor Cuomo's campaign was from a phone bank, not an automated robo-call.