Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Portion Of Roosevelt Island Seawall Railing Held Together With .... A Plastic Water Bottle - RIOC Plans $13 Million In Seawall and Railings Improvements For Upcoming Fiscal Year

The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse reports:

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 (Page 6), RIOC has:
... proposed improvement of the seawall at Southpoint Park ("SPP"). The capital plan as proposed includes a scheduled corresponding expenditure for seawall and railing work at SPP in FY 16‐17. The critical shoring of this infrastructure will stem further deterioration of the affected seawall sections and increase the longevity of RIOC's capital investments in the area...
RIOC's Proposed 2015 -16 Fiscal Year Budget Capital Plan contemplates spending $10 million on the Southpoint Park Seawall and $3 million on Seawall Railing Replacement (Page 9).

Here's the discussion of Roosevelt Island seawall improvements by RIOC President Charlene Indelicato and RIOC Director David Kraut during October 22 RIOC Audit Committee meeting on RIOC's Proposed 2015-16 Fiscal Year budget.

The full audio web cast of the Audit Committee meeting on proposed budget is here.