Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Woman Bicyclist Hit By Roosevelt Island Red Bus Near Gristedes Turnaround Tonight - Taken To Hospital

Received this report about 9:30 PM from a Roosevelt Island resident:

Red bus hit a person (can't tell if pedestrian or bicyclist) just before Gristedes turn around. Road closed going north.
Kevin Deutch tweets:
Click thru the tweets for more pictures but be advised they are close ups of the scene. (pictures were removed).

According to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC,) Public Safety Director Jack McManus a female bicycle rider was hit by the Red Bus. The woman was taken to the hospital. No further information available at this time.

UPDATE 10/9 - According to RIOC:
Last night, a collision occurred near the turnaround by Gristedes between a bicyclist and one of our Red Buses. The accident is currently being investigated by NYPD and we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that all proper procedures are followed.

Please be advised that we have been actively working to ensure that our streets are safe for cyclists and motorists. Recently, members of RIOC's Transportation and Community Relations departments met with cycling nonprofit Bike New York to discuss road-sharing and safety education classes, both for Red Bus drivers and for cyclists in our community. Our goal is to promote a safe and progressive approach to traffic on Roosevelt Island and to maintain the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. It is important that cyclists exercise safety at all times by wearing a helmet. Drivers and cyclists are encouraged to always be aware of their surroundings at all times and to use extra caution in high-traffic areas.

We will continue to investigate this incident and will respond to the situation appropriately.
UPDATE 10/14: Received this statement from RIOC today:
Last Wednesday, October 8th, a cyclist was involved in an traffic collision with a Red Bus (a local shuttle service) near the Motorgate Garage bus turnaround on Roosevelt Island. We have been advised by the NYPD that the cyclist sustained a severe head injury and is currently hospitalized in serious condition.

Charlene M. Indelicato, President of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation, states: "Our thoughts and sympathies are with the cyclist and all those affected by this traumatic incident. I extend my heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones as they undergo this difficult experience."

The New York City Police Department is currently handling this investigation.
UPDATE 10/15 - Latest here.