Monday, March 2, 2015

Watch Next To Last Goldwater Hospital Building Demolished - Latest Update From Cornell Tech On Roosevelt Island Campus Construction

Here's the latest on the demolition of Roosevelt Island's Goldwater Hospital to make way for the new Cornell Tech campus.

A video posted by Johnny J (@jipdome10) on

According to the latest Cornell NYC Tech Roosevelt Island construction update:
February 20 - March 6 Look Ahead

Building J’s foundation removal, crushing, and backfill is fully complete. The crews have moved north to Building A, where sorting of the demolition debris is ongoing. Foundation removals have recently begun on Building A.

The Building E façade removal operation continues as the weather permits. Façade brick has been completely stripped from the northern and western faces of the building. The remaining façade removal on the east side and portions of the south side should be complete within the coming two weeks, at which point more structural demolition will resume.

Agency approval for the new water main installation was received. The pipe installation will require temporary closures to the North Road. The work is sensitive to extreme temperatures so the schedule cannot yet be finalized. The contractor has been closely coordinating with Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation staff to minimize impact to bus service and private vehicles that use the North Road.

Mobilization for the First Academic Building has begun and will continue in the coming weeks. The start of excavation is imminent.

Please note: as you know, Cornell Tech has a community space in Gallery RIVAA at 527 Main Street on Roosevelt Island and office hours are normally Wednesdays and Fridays. However, because the gallery is quite chilly in the winter, office hours for the remainder of February and throughout the month of March will be held on Wednesdays only, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Beginning in April, office hours will once again be held two days a week.
Cornell Tech will be providing a project status update to the Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Community and Construction Task Force tonight 6 PM at 546 Main Street 12th floor conference room.

Here's December 8, 2014 Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Town Hall Meeting presentation by PAL Environmental Services Arik Domozick on the demolition of Goldwater Hospital campus