Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island Construction Update, Academic Building Excavation Begins - Demolition, Abatement, Barging, Trucks, Air Quality And More
Here's the latest
on the demolition of Roosevelt Island's
Goldwater Hospital
to make way
for the new Cornell Tech campus.
According to the Cornell NYC Tech Roosevelt Island construction update:
March 20 - April 3 Look AheadBelow is Cornell NYC Tech March 2 presentation (PDF Format) to the Roosevelt Island Community and Construction Task Force
Demolition work continues in the Phase II area. Building E is progressing with approximately 10% of the building rubble to still be sorted. Once completed early the week of March 23rd, foundation removal will begin, working from the north to the south.
Building A is in the final stages of backfill and grading. The building will be complete early in the week of March 23rd.
Once Building A is finished, equipment will move to Building B. As with the other buildings, balcony and window removal must occur prior to any façade removal. This work is scheduled to take place during the week of March 30th.
In terms of sitework, Cornell has completed the installation of the new water main and utility ductbank. Con Edison crews will continue to work within and around the Cornell site as they finish splicing cables. Excavation has begun on the First Academic Building (FAB) and Central Utility Plant (CUP) in the Phase I area.
Cornell Tech March 2 Update
and video.
Part 1. Cornell Tech Director of Capital Planning Andrew Winters provides an overview of the demolition and abatement work..
Part 2. Utility and Site Work described by Tishman's John DiCapua.
Part 3. Excavation of first academic building described by Tom LePage of Barr & Barr.
Part 4. Barging, Trucking of materials and air quality described by Andrew Winters.
Part 5. Questions on Air Quality, Helix Repair, High Pressure Gas Lines, emergency access, coordinating concrete pouring trucks and more.
The next meeting of the Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Community and Construction Task Force is April 27. The meetings are open to the public.