Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Mother's Day Crafts For Kids 5 - 6 PM Friday May 8

Image From Danielles Place

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator (RIPN) Eva Bosbach reports:
Dear RI parents,

Mother's Day is coming up this weekend and we hope you can join us for the next free event in the "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network!

Our Mother's Day craft will take place this Friday, May 8, at the Senior Center, 546 Main Street. The children will be painting with acrylic paint on wooden picture frames. We will take a picture of the mother and child/ren or just the child/ren, whatever the parent or caregiver prefers. We will print the picture out while the child is painting so that you can have a picture to go in the frame as well. To round up, there will be a little story-time in the end. Please bring smogs for the children and some extra wipes.

Special thank you goes to HOPE RI Church for sponsoring the event supplies, and to Wendy Hersh for booking the room for us.

How you can get involved: We could use a few more helpers for this one so if you have time to stay the entire hour and help with the crafts, please let me know. Also please let me know if you have great theme related books for the story time or for our little kids book shelf during the event. Finally, if you have craft event ideas you would like me to include in our series, let me know! :)

Please RSVP to eva.bosbach@gmail.com by Wednesday, May 6.

Looking forward to seeing you!
Previous RIPN Crafts With Kids celebrated St. Patricks Day,


Matisse and more.