Saturday, June 20, 2015

Pop Up Beer Garden, Jazzmobile And Theramin Mass Appeal At Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park Make Music New York Sunday June 21

According to the FDR Four Freedoms Park:
Make Music New York
Sunday, June 21, 2015
2:30pm 6:00pm

Four Freedoms Park Conservancy will participate in Make Music New York - the live, free musical celebration, encompassing over 1,300 concerts on streets, sidewalks, and parks across the five boroughs. Rain or Shine!

Performances are free and will take place throughout the Park from 2:30-6pm. This year's performers include:

Jazzmobile Presents the Winard Harper and the Jelli Posse

... Join us at this event to listen to Drummer and virtuoso balafon player, Winard Harper. Harper is passionate about jazz. "This music is powerful," he says. "It can do a lot of good for people. If they'd spend some time each day listening to it, we would see many changes in the world."...

Theremin Mass Appeal

Mass Appeal Theremin is your chance to experience the strange and beautiful world of the theremin, a century-old electronic instrument that's played without physically touching it, well known for it's eerie, gliding sound as utilized in countless scary movie scores. This event will bring together a dozen players, creating lush and ominous waves of sound in a new piece by composer Alexa Dexa. This event will be sponsored by Moog, and after the performance, audience members will have opportunities to try out Moog's amazing new theremini, an easier-to-learn version of the theremin.
There will also be a pop up beer garden tomorrow at the FDR Park:
The season of beer gardens has arrived, and this Sunday, June 21st, we're hosting our very own pop-up beer garden! Beer and wine lovers should head down to the Park from 4pm - 6pm for brews, wine, and sangria available for purchase.

As part of Make Music New York, two bands will perform between 2:30 and 6pm so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the sounds of summer music at the Park. Katchkie Farm Food Station will be onsite from 11am-6pm serving delicious sandwiches, hot dogs, and other snacks.