Update On Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Local Law 11 Building Facade Work - No Answer When Scaffolding Comes Down For Outdoor Restaurants Seating And Roof Deck Access
An update on Roosevelt Island Riverwalk buildings Local 11 facade work.
Who @RelatedRentals closed @Rooseveltisland park/patio cafes during Spring? #dumb @HPSLiving @NYDNRealEstate @nypost pic.twitter.com/xxBwrB0r7H— Billy Mark (@HighonHillcrest) May 19, 2015
Why does @RIOCny allow @RelatedRentals ruin @Rooseveltisland w/ 5 months of "routine maintenance?" @RiverwalkBar @CNN pic.twitter.com/UgwrSzqj1O— Billy Mark (@HighonHillcrest) May 31, 2015
I asked Hudson Related to:... clarify the current status of the project.A Hudson Related representative replied:
When are you anticipating work to be completed? Residents were originally told work would be completed in early June. I have been told not until July and others say it could be as long as the entire summer.
Also, there has been conflicting information regarding outdoor seating at the Riverwalk Commons restaurants - The Bar, Fuji East, Pizzeria and Starbucks.
When the work began, outdoor seating was provided by all except for Starbucks.
Later the outdoor seating was stopped.
During May 18 RIOC meeting, Charlene Indelicato reported that Hudson Related said outdoor seating would be allowed after 4 PM on weekdays and on weekends when work was not being done.
The restaurant owners tell me that they were told by Hudson Related that outdoor seating under the scaffolding is not allowed at any time until the Local Law 11 work is completed.
I am told that it is common for outdoor seating to be permitted under scaffolding at Manhattan restaurants. If true, why not here on Roosevelt Island, assuming safety precautions are met.
Also, Riverwalk building residents would like to know when they can access their roof decks, particularly with the July 4 Fireworks on East River approaching, which have been closed for the facade work.
Please clarify what the policy is for Riverwalk Commons outdoor seating, access to Riverwalk buildings roof deck, and when you anticipate completing the facade work.
Since Hudson/Related is not party to the contract for Local Law 11 work, but rather the respective condominium boards, I cannot provide any reliable information for your inquires below. Also the Site Safety Manager for both jobs is the ultimate decision-maker on where and when outdoor seating can be provided.As previously reported:
... During yesterday's (May 18) Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee (full audio web cast of meeting), RIOC Director Margie Smith asked about the status of Riverwalk restaurants outdoor seating during the local law 11 facade work.. RIOC President Charlene Indelicato said that she was told by a Hudson Related Representative that for safety reasons outdoor seating would not be available at Riverwalk restaurants under the scaffoldingWill ask the Site Safety Manager for answer.
Image of Riverwalk Bar & Grill Seating Under Scaffolding From Several Weeks Ago
during the time facade work is being done but can be available after 4:30 on weekdays and on weekends.
Here's the discussion....
Hope to be able to enjoy the roof deck soon.
UPDATE 6/4 - A Riverwalk building representative reports that the Local Law 11 facade work should be completed within 2 weeks. When work approved by NYC Inspectors, outdoor seating and roof access will return.