Saturday, July 25, 2015

Roosevelt Island Explorers Invite Families To Use Imagination And Transform Lighthouse Park Lifeless Concrete Mini - Men Sunday July 26

The Roosevelt Island Explorers (RiEx):

... is a group of experienced educators and professors exploring the possibilities for a new and different early childhood program on Roosevelt Island. This proposed program would:
  • Express our profound respect of children as competent, capable learners
  • Address our concerns about the harmful effects of arbitrary standards and prescribed curricula
  • Engage the full participation of families, caregivers, teachers and other interested adults
  • Embrace the unique environment and beauty of Roosevelt Island
  • Honor our love for the vibrant and diverse Roosevelt Island community
RiEx report:

Dear Families:

To continue exploration of our beautiful Island, we are taking you to the Northern tip:

Please join us for a creative and fun transformation of lifeless concrete “mini-men” into anything your imagination produces (if only for one day):

Date: Sunday, July 26, 2015

Time: 4pm – 7pm

Place: North of Coler-Goldwater Hospital’s Main Entrance—next to the River (please see the attached poster)

We will provide the materials, water and light snacks…

However, we encourage you to also bring your own – it will make our experience more meaningful, bonding, and fun…


RiEx Team
More on Roosevelt Island Explorers from their web site, Facebook page and previous posts.