Man Dies Jumping From Queensboro Bridge Landing On Roosevelt Island Last Thursday Evening - Woman Nearby Hears Loud Noise, Turns Around And Sees Body On Ground
A Roosevelt Island resident reported to me seeing NYPD officers and an ambulance gathered underneath the Queensboro Bridge next to a white sheet on the Main Street ground that may have been covering something last Friday evening.
I asked the NYPD what happened?
According to a NYPD Spokesperson the incident occurred:
... on Thursday, August 7, 2015, around 10:10 PM, a 39 year old male in an apparent suicide jumped off from the 59th Street bridge landing in front of 281 Main Street and died from the extent of his injuries.adding that a woman was walking in the area at the time when she heard a loud noise, turned around and saw the body laying on the ground.
During Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee meeting last night, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Director Jack McManus and Deputy Director Lynda Marmara described this terrible incident in greater detail and reported that the deceased was not a Roosevelt Island resident.
UPDATE 9:10 PM - A reader points out confusion regarding date of the incident. The NYPD spokesperson said the incident occurred on Thursday August 7. Thursday was August 6, Friday was August 7.
The incident occurred on Thursday August 6 and was reported that way on the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report:
08/06/15 – 2208 - 281 Main St. – Aided – PSD / EMS / FDNY responded. Transported to hospital.