Saturday, August 15, 2015

Roosevelt Island Experiencing Rash Of Burglaries Says RIOC Public Safety Department Director - Here Are Some Crime Prevention Tips

The Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Incident Reports lists several recent burglaries at Roosevelt Landings. According to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

8/14/15 – 2355 – 540 Main St. – Burglary – PSD and NYPD responded report generated

8/13/15 - 1915 - 560 Main St. – Burglary – PSD and NYPD responded, Negative results
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus sends the following message to the Roosevelt Island community.

Roosevelt Island is experiencing a rash of burglaries. We have increased patrols and taken every measure in an effort to apprehend those responsible. The Public Safety Dept. is working very closely with the 114th Pct. in an effort to prevent further occurrences.

We need your assistance in safeguarding your property! You can help:

1. Report any person(s) who is/are acting suspiciously.

2. Patio doors, windows and screens should be locked and secured.

3. Be sure your place of business is lighted adequately at night, both outside and inside, i.e., the alleys and rear of store, all entry points, a night light and a night light over the safe (if you have one). These are deterrents against thieves, who like the DARK.

4. You should have adequate locks installed, cylinder-type, dead-bolt locks should replace hasps and padlocks, where possible.

5. Panels and glass should be protected against being kicked in.

6. Bars on the inside prevent breaking in the entire door.

7. Install an adequate Alarm System, which you should test periodically to ascertain that it is in good working order.

8. Check all windows, doors, etc. before leaving at night to make sure everything is secure.

If you have any information that would help in the apprehension of those responsible for these criminal acts, please contact the Public Safety Department immediately at (212) 832-4545. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

According to the most recent RIOC Index Crimes Report for May 2015, there were a total of 8 Roosevelt Island burglaries from January - May 2015.

No information available on Roosevelt Island burglaries from June 2015 to date.

UPDATE 8/17 - Another burglary reported:
8/9/2015 – 1450 – 510 Main St – Burglary – PSD/NYPD responded. Report Filed.