Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nike NYC Train Tuesday Pop Up Work Out Event Tonight At Roosevelt Island's FDR Four Freedoms Park - Participants Meeting At Manhattan Tram Station In Middle Of Rush Hour At 6:04 PM

Nike NYC is having a Train Tuesday event at Roosevelt Island's FDR Four Freedoms Park tonight and inviting participants to meet at Manhattan Tram Station this evening.

Will this cause any problems for rush hour Tram commute home tonight?
According to the FDR Four Freedoms Park:
... Nike is holding an hour long workout event at the Park today at 6:30. We are still closed to the public (as we are every Tuesday) but the event, which is described as a "pop-up" workout event, is free and as far as we know is open to anyone. They hold the free #TrainTuesday events at Parks throughout NYC but don’t reveal the location until the day of. They just started posting the location on social media...
Will Nike NYC Train Tuesday crowd overwhelm Roosevelt Island Tram commute home during rush hour?