Roosevelt Island Con Edison High Pressure Gas Upgrade Evening Work Begins Tonight Near Capobianco Field, No Weekday Nighttime Parking In Area - Main Street Traffic Disruptions Warns Public Safety Department Director
The Con Edison Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas Upgrade project begins nighttime work this evening on Main Street near Capobianco Field. As a result, there is no weekday evening parking in the area for several months.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
There will be No Parking, Stopping or Standing on the West side of Main Street between 591-625 Main Street effective Monday, August 17, 2015, Monday– Friday from 5 PM to 8 AM, until further notice.
Vehicles not moved by 5 PM will be summonsed and/or towed.
This area will be reduced to one lane of traffic Monday- Friday from 7 PM to 7 AM.
The sidewalk on the east side of Main Street, in front of Capobianco Field, will be closed to pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians may cross over to the west side of the street either at the crosswalk near 591 or 625 Main Street.
Parking rules will be strictly enforced in the Commercial Loading Zone in front of 575 Main Street (Island House), as all deliveries will be directed to unload at this location.
We appreciate your cooperation during this project.
Con Edison adds:
Work Notice UpdateBelow is Roosevelt Island Con Edison High Pressure Gas project RIOC permit including:
Friday, August 14, 2015
Starting on Monday, August 17, Con Edison will begin working at night associated with the gas riser infrastructure upgrades on Main Street in front of the Capobianco Field. Crews will be working at this location from 7PM to 7AM for the remainder of the riser project. We will continue to provide you with updates as this riser work continues through the fall, and once the daytime gas main work commences in the coming weeks. This entire gas upgrade project is expected to be complete in December. Schedule is subject to change.
There will be no service disruptions to customers associated with this work. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, contact Manhattan Public Affairs at
- work schedules,
- street closures,
- penalties,
- noise mitigation,
- air monitoring,
- asbestos abatement
- parking,
- mitigation strategies and
- more.
RIOC Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus discussed Main Street traffic disruptions caused by the current Con Ed Gas Upgrade and ongoing building facade work during August 11 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee meeting.
Director McManus said that:
... past experiences with Con Ed is that they need alot of attention...Also discussed were insuring that ambulances, other emergency vehicles and Access A Ride vans have access to serve Roosevelt Island residents during the construction.
... it's going to be a busy time and an inconvenience...
Here's the discussion.
More information on Roosevelt Island Con Edison High Pressure Gas Project at previous post showing video of Town Hall meeting on subject.